We find ourselves once again at the end of the year. November. A month to reflect. For the last 10 years or more November has been a month to be intentional about naming the gratitude and thanking God for all. Not just the good but all things that have passed through his hand. I don't know what season you find yourself in. . . But I find myself in a season of huge change. Kids getting married and leaving the home. Babies being born and my babies all grown up. My role as a mama has changed. Gone are the days of schedules and driving to and from events. There is an occasional ... View Post
10 Years Ago We Buried My Son
10 Years ago today we buried my son. That red headed, fiery temper, witty, handsome boy. My first born. The one who called me mama. Gone. In a moment. I didn't even know it. I don't like to think about that night. It's so painful. A part of me died that night too. I felt it. How can you lose a child? As I stood in front of those police officers. In my dining room, by the farmhouse table. The place we welcome visitors, I received this information. I remember trying to breathe. Conscience of the act. Slow down. Breathe all the air in you ... View Post
10 Birthdays Without You
When we celebrated his 17th birthday, we had no idea it was his last. Who thinks of those things as you enter your Senior year of High School? We were all busy living life and enjoying the moments. Until we weren't. Until on a beautiful summer's night, our son never made it home. And all the living and life stopped as I once knew it. All the things I thought I knew, changed, in a moment. Here we are 9 years later. Celebrating the 10th birthday without our son. 10 birthdays have come and gone. I dread the day when there will be more birthdays without him, than with him. This ... View Post
Choose This Day
Choose this day whom you will serve. Words from Joshua in the bible. Challenging the Israelites to choose. Choose who you will serve- The Gods you once knew, or the God of Heaven and Earth. Joshua and his house chose the Lord. Joshua 24:15 Each day we are faced with a multitude of choices. Split second and some prayed and agonized over. Choices that will affect us, change us. 9 years ago, July 27, 2013. I remember this day so well. So many choices made that day. A choice by the oldest son to go to a shooting match. My farmers split second choice to go watch him. The choice ... View Post
Happy Birthday Ella!
Little did I know when I started this blog all that our lives would endure. That this white screen, for a time, would be my lifeline. Nine years ago, today, I published our first post. A short little clip about our 4th of July baby, Eleanor. She was turning 8. Our oldest son, Elijah, had just graduated from High School. Chelsea the oldest was 8 when Elijah was born. Clarissa was 8 when Eleanor was born. And now, Ella is 8 when our first grandchild would be born. Now Ella is turning 17, the same age her brother was when he met Jesus. His forever age. That first grandchild is ... View Post
Another Spin Around the Sun
It's been another spin around the sun for my farmer. 65 to be exact. A celebration. We mark time. Grateful. Trusting for each moment. I don't always do those moments well. I'm trying. To live present. Embrace the now. In joy. Having eyes to see what is right in front of me. It's so easy to miss the beauty. It's so easy to get caught in the race of hurry and miss that which is right in front of you. Moments matter. Insignificant moments are important. Some day those moments may be all you have. So we're celebrating my farmer. Grateful for the time we ... View Post
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