We’re glad you stopped by. Grab a mug of your favorite drink and enjoy our site. We hope you’re refreshed and glimpse a bit of farm life while you linger.
I am a mama of six with one called home to Glory at 17. I am on a journey seeking God’s guidance and learning to live with an ache in my heart and a hole in our family, while trusting the Lord with all my heart. Proverbs 3:5 and 6.
My farmer and I met when I had just graduated from college in 1990. With stars in my eyes and a longing for a family our fairy tale began. In October of 1993, with the glorious sun shining down and a cloud in the shape of a ring, my farmer and I, the city girl, and his 5-year-old daughter, covenanted before God and man, for better or worse. Little did I know how “the worse” would be tested more than I could have ever imagined. The farm life for me was, and still is, a wonderful experience. A mother-in-law and father-in-law I adored. Sister and brothers in law all close by. A handful of nieces and nephews to teach this city girl the rural life.
In 1994 we found we were expecting our first child. With great joy we moved through the preparations, only to have our hopes dashed as an ultrasound at 14 weeks showed no heartbeat. With love and support from so many we crossed this hurdle stronger and ready to do God’s will. In September of 1995, just a year later we were blessed with a beautiful son. A red headed bundle of joy. Life continued on with ups and downs. From 1997 to 2005, we added 4 more children to our nest for a total of 6 blessings. My farmers parents were called home suddenly to Glory in 2000 and 2001. They were both healthy and young and left a huge gap in our family.
In May of 2003 my mother began a 9-year battle with cancer. She walked with grace through her cancer. She had a sticky note on her computer that said, “Cancer has become a blessing.” She had met amazing people and learned to live and appreciate life in a way she never would have. In 2012 after an agonizing 3 and a half months, the Lord called mom home. My dad had begun a dance with the memory thief and his needs became more demanding.
All this while our 6 children moved through the various stages of life. Such joy and craziness! Including the wedding of our oldest and her announcement 5 months later that they were expecting our first grandchild! Then the graduation of our oldest son and his enlistment in the United States Marine Corps.

In July of 2013 at the urging of my children I began a blog. They said my face book posts were too long. 12 posts into this fun endeavor our world shattered.
In the early hours of July 28, 2013 we were awaked by state police to say that our son. . . our beautiful red headed, recent graduate, had taken his last ride. He had fallen asleep at the wheel and hit a telephone pole on a gorgeous summer night. We began a walk that would change us forever. We were wrapped in love by a community that has not ever let us go. Soon after that my beloved farmer was diagnosed with cancer and he began a fight for his life.
Our journey is not over. This blog and website is a glimpse into our walk. It is the heartbeat of who we are. We are a farmer and his wife, full of mistakes and wrong turns, trusting in a God who is much bigger than we, with a hope for all eternity.
In 2015, after years of discussion about entering the Organic dairying market, we finally made the leap. In June of 2016 we began a new chapter and joined the Organic Valley team.
We hope you’ll follow along with us on this journey. The best is yet to come.