We find ourselves once again at the end of the year. November. A month to reflect. For the last 10 years or more November has been a month to be intentional about naming the gratitude and thanking God for all. Not just the good but all things that have passed through his hand. I don't know what season you find yourself in. . . But I find myself in a season of huge change. Kids getting married and leaving the home. Babies being born and my babies all grown up. My role as a mama has changed. Gone are the days of schedules and driving to and from events. There is an occasional ... View Post
Can We Express Gratitude When Our World is Falling Apart?
I have found that gratitude in all things takes practice. It is a purposeful mind set. Often a change. And we don't like change, do we? Words flow when the sun is shining and the bank account full. Gratitude. Words flow when life feels in balance and manageable. "I praise you Lord, for my job, for a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in." It's like soft butter being spread. Easy. Comforting. Sunshine and roses. Gratitude. How do the words flow when there's death and heartache? Do we reach for gratitude in these times? How do the words flow when you can't seem to make ends ... View Post
30 Days of Thankfulness, Day #3
Things don't always go my way. Imagine that? I should be used to that by now. So, when things go awry why am I surprised? Why is my response, anxiety or anger? I wonder sometimes about my posture. Who am I serving? Where is my faith? If I truly believe this God that I say I serve, then why do I get anxious, or nervous? If He is able to walk us through the darkest of nights he can also handle the details. Yet, I still struggle to trust; To truly trust. To keep the thoughts quiet. I tend to voice all that is on my mind. Nary a secret kept. I think it; and it ... View Post
30 Days of Thankfulness, Day #2
What keeps us practicing a habit? What motivates us? How do we establish a routine, a task, a habit and stick with it? Gratitude. A habit I have practiced for more than 10 years. Naming. Intentionally. Giving praise. Even in the hard. Even through the ache. Recording. Seeking and searching. Yet somehow, this year, I have found myself more unsettled and frustrated. . . Until I realized I have forsaken a habit. I have neglected the intentional practice of naming my praises and Thankfulness. It may sound trite or insignificant. Yet, there is great wisdom in this ... View Post
The Sounds of This Old Farmhouse, 30 Days of Thankfulness, Day 16
The sounds of this old Farmhouse when the wind blows is comforting to me. It started out low and slow. Then picked up. This old farmhouse shook and creaked. The shutters rattled and banged. The wind whistled through the windows. The farm boy looked around and seemed shocked. It's as if he were hearing the sounds of this old farmhouse for the first time. It's amazing as you watch your children become adults- How they begin to look differently at things. My farmer closed up the basement windows. We turned on the fire. The kids pulled blankets from the basket and snuggled in. The ... View Post
30 Days of Thankfulness, Day #12 I Will Never Forget
Shes asks me a question. We talk about Elijah. Strangely it feels good. I want to talk about him. I know people shy away; tired of the grief. Desire surer footing. My roller coaster of emotions not their cup of tea. Yet, the ache continues and the loss deep. My son. I read through old posts. Posts from the days of shock and fog. How hard this road is . Yet how quickly we're expected to move on. To appear normal. To assume the path, as if nothing has changed. Yet, for me everything has changed. Setting the table, the folding clothes, cleaning, family photos, doing ... View Post
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