It's been more than 40 years since we were together in this space. Cousins. We've spent most of our life apart. Connected through words. Letters, a love for the Lord and Literature. Life was so different. Yet, even in that time. . .there was ache. A divorce. Children caught in the middle. A trip together to a family space. Cousins. Memories made. We walk and talk. Memories emerge that were long since forgotten. This was the space where we had a fire. I can almost hear the sound of the voices gathered in song. We washed dishes and played games on that vacation. We hiked and ... View Post
30 Days of Thankfulness, Day #2
What keeps us practicing a habit? What motivates us? How do we establish a routine, a task, a habit and stick with it? Gratitude. A habit I have practiced for more than 10 years. Naming. Intentionally. Giving praise. Even in the hard. Even through the ache. Recording. Seeking and searching. Yet somehow, this year, I have found myself more unsettled and frustrated. . . Until I realized I have forsaken a habit. I have neglected the intentional practice of naming my praises and Thankfulness. It may sound trite or insignificant. Yet, there is great wisdom in this ... View Post