Sometimes there is a need for looking back, so you can go forward. God continually reminded the Israelites to set markers to remind them of their journey. I Samuel 7:12 Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer,[a] saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”As I read through my Thankful journey over the past 6 years I am so encouraged. Looking back paints a picture. Seeing how God has guided us; how he never let us go, strengthens my spirit. It has also served to remind me of how much has happened. The first picture in this post from ... View Post
The Day I Lost Hope. . .
We sat at that farmhouse table, gathering documents. In the morning they would head out to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Months of planning, accepting donations, prayers. The final details. Prepared. Until the farm boy joked. He threw out the idea. "What if the passports were expired?" The seed of doubt; quickly became a reality. The college girl and farm boys passports would expire while they were in Haiti. The farm boy, brushed it off. We just need to trust. This farm mama began a journey new to her. I searched the internet for all information I possibly could find. I ... View Post
They’re Going Again. Will You Walk With Us?
The idea surfaced time and time again. The plans never took root. Too many obstacles. Until. 2013. The death of a son and cancer renewed the fire with a fervency. With a network of prayer the plan unfolded. 3 times now the Lord has opened the door and allowed my farmer and children to serve in Haiti. This week they will return to this country. Each time my farmer leaves, a community is roused to allow him to go. Bathed in prayer; Milking, chores, finances, supplies all covered by those who rally around us. They're going again. Haiti. To serve. To build. Hearts ... View Post
You Can Go – You Can Even Go, by Staying
It's raining. It's lightening. Folks are huddled under sheets of tin. Already bashed from the effects of Hurricane Matthew; they are weary. What can you do? I sense it in my farmers voice. I read between the lines in his texts. There's so much devastation. People are on the side of the road hollering for food. Trucks are being stopped and raided to take the food. There are road blocks. A broken people, in a broken nation; hurting. And even going seems like it's not enough. Why do the battered and broken keep receiving the blows? What should our response be? My farmer and ... View Post
Hold on Haiti, They’re Coming
To Haiti, with love. We're gathering supplies. Making arrangements. Rearranging life; to go. Because that's what we're called to do. To go. Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Hold on Haiti. They're coming. With strong backs. Knees bent low. Hearts bursting. Suitcases brimming. They're coming to stand beside you. Where you feel discouraged. They will lift you up. You see, you can stand on your own. One day you will. You are strong Haiti. You just don't know it. We're here ... View Post
The Journey Home
Tonight. They return. They've been gone a week. Half my family. Serving. Working. Sweating. Giving. Loving. In the Name of Jesus. To a people in need. I have missed them. Their journey home, begun. While they will long to be home; a piece of them will always remain in Haiti. I have not shared their experience. I am praying for understanding and wisdom. To hear their words. To see into their souls. I am looking forward to the ... View Post