Gathering from the gardens have begun. And while we do not grow a garden on the farm, we are blessed with the bounty from friends! One of our favorite veggies is summer squash and Zucchini! (Honestly, we love all squash!) Whether it's bake, fried or grilled we love it! Here's a simple summer crowd pleaser! ... View Post
Ginger Water
The sun shines. The temperatures are warm. We had a late snow storm in May. But now; it's Summer in all its glory. With the warmer weather the haying Season began for the Davis Farm. The farm boy took the reigns and haying was completed in two days. There wasn't much for grass. Low inputs to the fields and a cold Spring provided a low yield. The days dawned clear and warm. Perfect weather for haying. All hands were on deck. There was a flurry of activity at the last minute With the work comes preparation of food. Long days require nourishment. Breakfast is usually quick and ... View Post
Scrumptious Scones
Scrumptious Scones I discovered this recipe a few years ago. I have since modified it to make the perfect scrumptious scone! Deliciously buttery and fluffy, these scones are the perfect treat to enjoy with a steaming cup of coffee! Using the base of this buttermilk dough, one can be creative! I use white chocolate chips and dried cranberries with a dash of raw sugar on top. I also use Chocolate chips or Maple! It's a very versatile sconerecipe and one that will surely please a crowd! ... View Post
30 Days of Thankfulness, Day #8 Winter. . . is Here
Winter. Hated by many. Loved by others. The longest Season in Vermont. Often tricky on the farm. Cold, wind and snow can cause extra work. Wood needs to be cut, because we can never get that done before Winter. Stored feed needs to be hauled for the cows. Extra work needed to ensure cows energy stays high. Making milk is important! Breakdowns are harder in the winter. But the rhythm of life slows. There's time for hot chocolate by the fire. Daylight scarce. Reading may happen before my farmer nods off. Dreams and plans are formulated while the winds blow. Spring is ... View Post
It Snowed. . . Again
It snowed. . .Again. Big fluffy flakes that stuck to the ground. The problem is, is it's April. The end of April-not the beginning. I'd prefer sunshine and warmth. I long to see Spring flowers and buds on the trees. This weather is down right frustrating. Yet no matter where I turn it's beautiful. A clean, white covering. This kind of snow is different. It doesn't last long. Birds carry on their chatter as if to protest the event. Water drips from everywhere. It's too warm to make icicles. I marvel at it all. A fresh new start. No foot prints. . . yet. Clean. Our lives ... View Post
Cinnamon Rolls
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