Scrumptious Scones I discovered this recipe a few years ago. I have since modified it to make the perfect scrumptious scone! Deliciously buttery and fluffy, these scones are the perfect treat to enjoy with a steaming cup of coffee! Using the base of this buttermilk dough, one can be creative! I use white chocolate chips and dried cranberries with a dash of raw sugar on top. I also use Chocolate chips or Maple! It's a very versatile sconerecipe and one that will surely please a crowd! ... View Post
Days of Thankfulness, Day #9, Menu Planning
Menu Planning. I am not a planner for the most part. I fly by the seat of my pants. Seriously. Until it comes to menu planning. I love it. I search for recipes. I try to cook a big meal sometime in the week and then create from that meal. We raise most of our own meat, so I have choices available and that makes it easier. This week I began planning the Thanksgiving menu. It's the same every year, yet I still enjoy the process. Yesterday I found LOCAL cranberries! I grew up in an area where cranberry bogs abound! My parents lived down the street from huge bogs. So to find fresh ... View Post