Each morning I rise before dawn. The holy quiet. I get my coffee and rest with the Ancient Word. Before breakfast. Before I break my fast. My soul devours the comforting words. Works that challenge, inspire and speak truth. My spirit is refreshed and hopefully ready for whatever the day may hold. Each day a pilgrimage. Coffee, the Ancient Word. All before the house begins to stir. Before the tyranny of the urgent pulls. I stand before the stove. What to make? Breakfast. Is it blazing hot? Or freezing cold? How many are here? I often have to stop and ... View Post
Scrumptious Scones
Scrumptious Scones I discovered this recipe a few years ago. I have since modified it to make the perfect scrumptious scone! Deliciously buttery and fluffy, these scones are the perfect treat to enjoy with a steaming cup of coffee! Using the base of this buttermilk dough, one can be creative! I use white chocolate chips and dried cranberries with a dash of raw sugar on top. I also use Chocolate chips or Maple! It's a very versatile sconerecipe and one that will surely please a crowd! ... View Post
Mini Breakfast Pizza’s
From the Farmhouse Kitchen! I had left over tortilla's and I needed to do something different for breakfast. I could eat eggs every day, but others in my family like a variety! My farmer will eat everything. He will even eat things that are sometimes questionable. I guess it comes from working so hard, and being grateful for each meal. Really. He never complains. Even if it's burned. He says, "Oh good. I like it that way." People should take lessons from him. This recipe is fun because you can use up those left over onions and peppers, maybe mushrooms. Anything that you might want ... View Post
We gather around the farmhouse table. Warm popovers with butter dripping are on the menu. No matter the Season these are a favorite! Here is the cherished family recipe! It deviates from your traditional popover with less work. It's easy enough for kids to make them! We love to put butter and jam on our popovers! We usually serve these with Oatmeal and, of course, lots of coffee! ... View Post