Each morning I rise before dawn. The holy quiet. I get my coffee and rest with the Ancient Word. Before breakfast. Before I break my fast. My soul devours the comforting words. Works that challenge, inspire and speak truth. My spirit is refreshed and hopefully ready for whatever the day may hold. Each day a pilgrimage. Coffee, the Ancient Word. All before the house begins to stir. Before the tyranny of the urgent pulls. I stand before the stove. What to make? Breakfast. Is it blazing hot? Or freezing cold? How many are here? I often have to stop and ... View Post
There’s a Lot Brewing Here on the Farm Other Than Coffee!
The wind blows and the rain falls. There is a chill in the air after days of warmth. April. Unheard of. Odd. Yet so needed. This year has been full of the unexpected and unmet realities. Sharing early warmth has been delightful. A push to do all the things of summer. Yet, not yet time. So today the rain and chill slow things down a bit. They draw me back to the necessary. Coffee. Planning. Dreaming. More coffee. There has been a lot brewing here on the farm! And it's not just my coffee!!! We are now able to accommodate those folks who want to stop by the farm and pick ... View Post