The wind whipped, snow swirled. A real snow storm. Winter Storm. We stoked the outdoor fires and turned on the indoor soapstone. So grateful for home during a storm. Soup simmered on the stove. Banana bread baked. Anything to try to keep this old farmhouse warm. I sat in the dark and quiet. I listened to the sounds of the winter storm. The rattling windows, the wind in the trees, the plow making its rounds. The cows will stay in tonight and my farmer will wake in the night to check on everyone. He'll make sure the fires are hot and then, only then will he crawl back ... View Post
30 Days of Thankfulness, Day #8 Winter. . . is Here
Winter. Hated by many. Loved by others. The longest Season in Vermont. Often tricky on the farm. Cold, wind and snow can cause extra work. Wood needs to be cut, because we can never get that done before Winter. Stored feed needs to be hauled for the cows. Extra work needed to ensure cows energy stays high. Making milk is important! Breakdowns are harder in the winter. But the rhythm of life slows. There's time for hot chocolate by the fire. Daylight scarce. Reading may happen before my farmer nods off. Dreams and plans are formulated while the winds blow. Spring is ... View Post
Winter on the Farm
Winter on the Farm. Each distinct Season is beautiful in it's own way. There is purpose and need for each. Winter can be harsh and cruel; yet the beauty counteracts the hard. This winter has been hard on so many levels. My farmer shows amazing perseverance and grit. I do not possess such strength. In the face of all this adversity he continues to press forward. I would have given up long ago. Yet, somehow he pulls from a strength that is rare to see today. Isaiah 40:29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. He still find time to visit the ... View Post
In the Dark
The icy, wind creeps its way through the old windows. Floor to ceiling exposure to the the cold. We gather blankets from the nooks and crannies of this old farm house. Trying to keep warm. With each blanket we fight against the elements. A struggle to keep winter at bay. With each blanket comes the dark. Warmth comes at a price. I fight to not let that darkness permeate my soul. It is so close. Waiting Patiently. For me to fall. For me to surrender to the dark. To all the pain. To a ... View Post
When There’s An Early Frost And No Heat
The steam from the cooking apples warm the kitchen. Soon there will be applesauce. There is going to be another frost. We have no heat in our home right now. I keep the doors closed. I bring in the mums so they won't freeze. We pick the last of the tomatoes on my one plant. I'm such a gardener. The doors to the other end of the house are shut. We are hanging a quilt over the doorway to the hallway that goes upstairs. We need to conserve heat. The down part of a large home. It seems too early to have such a ... View Post
All That We Can Not See
The Winter is showing all it's glory. Cold, crisp nights with a glorious display in the heavens. Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. There is a peacefulness that settles over the farm at this time of year. A quiet expectancy of Springs awaited arrival. All the work underneath is being accomplished. All that we can not see. So much that we can not see. God is aware of all. He sees the bigger plan. We need to spend time with him, learning to ... View Post