A snow day. There was nothing spectacular about the day. It was truly busy. Cleaning. Laundry. Errands. A snow day for the kids. I had a long list of things to accomplish. They canceled school. I love having my kids home. My list would have to wait. A frittata and bagels on the menu. Hot coffee and fellowship around the farmhouse table. It was late when we left to work on errands. They went quickly. We stopped for coffee. Still using a gift from a friend. We arrived home. The kids were wound up! They're teenagers! They should know better. Christmas music on the ... View Post
Coming Home, Day #16 of Thankfulness
She's coming home today! I can't wait. Our college girl has clinical and then will make the journey North. This is her last "Journey North" for Thanksgiving while in College. Where in the world did the time go? I drove to pick her up with a friend for the first year. So many day trips down and back. Now, she drives her own car, and next year, only God knows. She's coming home and I'm so excited. Her bed is freshly made with clean sheets. I'll vacuum and add a few special touches today. She has asthma pretty bad and our home is not the cleanest. I will spend much of today trying ... View Post
I Still Struggle, 30 Days of Thankfulness, Day #12
I still struggle with being Thankful. Even after 12 days of intentionally naming my gratitude I still default to complaining. It's been 5 years of posting 30 Days of Thankfulness and trying to practice gratitude and I still mess up. I feel the whirling, churning. I struggle. I get myself so wound up at times I miss the thankful; I forget. It's like I have soul amnesia. My focus becomes so narrow, I never see what might be right beside me. I'd like to think that I caught the whirling and churning earlier than I may have in the past. I stopped the thoughts. I turned to ... View Post
Days of Thankfulness, Day #9, Menu Planning
Menu Planning. I am not a planner for the most part. I fly by the seat of my pants. Seriously. Until it comes to menu planning. I love it. I search for recipes. I try to cook a big meal sometime in the week and then create from that meal. We raise most of our own meat, so I have choices available and that makes it easier. This week I began planning the Thanksgiving menu. It's the same every year, yet I still enjoy the process. Yesterday I found LOCAL cranberries! I grew up in an area where cranberry bogs abound! My parents lived down the street from huge bogs. So to find fresh ... View Post
30 Days of Thankfulness, Day #6, It’s Dark Out
It's dark out. It's quiet. My farmer is getting cows. It's later than usual. We slacked off last night and watched a movie and didn't prepare for the next day. We never looked at the schedule to prep the youngest farm girl for her morning on. So today already begins behind. Chores will take longer. We need to fit in a trip to the polls. The normal everyday activity will need to be accomplished as well. My farmer will dig in and rally to the "cause. Life is like that. Throws you a curve ball before you even begin. I learn so many lessons from my farmer. These things rarely affect ... View Post
30 Days of Thankfulness, Day #5, To Return Kindness
It's the beginning of the week. I have a choice. I can get caught up in the busyness and chaos that will certainly be present; or I can start now to be prepared. I don't have to react when things begin to unravel. If I truly trust in God and his plan, then I should be able wait if unraveling begins. The wind is blowing this morning. It's out of the south, which makes it a bit chilly. So grateful for this new barn. We are reminded of the multitude of tasks left still to tighten things up for winter. My farmer and I chat on the phone for a few moments. We were going to chat last ... View Post