Her blue eyes twinkle. Her laugh contagious. She was born on the Holiest of nights. Her time within my womb one of my sweetest memories. A surprise. In the midst of grief. A reminder to pause and be grateful. Slow it down. Pause and wonder at it all. How did Mary feel? How did she travel those roads? I reveled in modern comforts and ease. She came on the Holiest of Nights. After the stockings were hung. After I had called it a day. Her arrival announced. A disruption around us. The first child born with out my beautiful mother in law. She came forth and we named her ... View Post
Even in the Rush. . . We Can Slow it Down
The sun shone this weekend. For the whole weekend. There were no extra activities. Time seemed to slow. No rushing. Dinner with friends. The farm boy playing music. Time with my farmer. There was hand holding. Time to talk. Slow. Last minute guests at the guest house. Sheets on the line. Book work. Time for listening and dreaming. A fire at my partner in crime's home. Coffee. Slow. Soaking in the sun. Compost delivery. A ride in the truck to visit neighbors. No ... View Post
Sweet 16
I wasn't expecting a girl. I had a step daughter and she was perfect and then I had our boy and he was perfect. . .and frankly, I was afraid of a daughter. I hadn't had the best relationship with my mom. I never wanted to make the same mistakes. So I figured God blessed me with a step daughter and the rest would be boys. But nope. They said she was girl. I asked them twice if they were sure. They said they were sure. They had a little experience in this area. And July 11, 1997 began a journey that has been nothing but joy, (most of the time) ever ... View Post