He's turning 17. That farm boy. The same age as his brother. No longer here. The two so similar. Yet so different. My heart aches. The farm boy is full of ideas. So creative. Full of energy and youth. He loves deeply. Plays hard. Confident. Yet is haunted by the joy thief. He rises to fight. He digs deep to keep two feet planted. He's growing corn; trading vehicles. Making payments on a tractor. Building his future. Yet these things he holds lightly in view of ... View Post
Celebrating my Farmer
He hangs yellow ribbons. This farmer of mine. He texts the college girl on her way home. She's on a bus headed our way. "He'll tie a yellow ribbon round the Old Oak Tree." She needs to look up the lyrics. You tube will show her what her parents have neglected. We pull into the driveway. There are yellow ribbons. I wonder at it. Had I missed these before I left. She gradually unfolds the story. I marvel at the gesture. Yellow ribbons and a song to welcome his daughter home. His quiet ... View Post
The Farmette is Two!!!
The farmette is two today! Surprise text I received when Chelsea and my dear friend, who now resides with the King of Kings, came to visit. That was my house!! She surprised me with a visit! She turned one! And now she's two! Where does the time go? When I sent Chelsea the picture of the beautiful sunrise, this morning, which reminded me of Elijah's home going. . . She said, maybe he is saying Happy Birthday to Lilah. I think so. Happy 2nd Birthday Lilah ... View Post
When You Become Older Than Your Brother
Today. She is 18. The age her brother never saw. The age we were anticipating. She, now older than him. We knew this would happen. He will remain. . . Young Forever. She,will forge on ahead. A life full of hopes and dreams. She will cling to her rock. Her Savior. Trusting for each day. At Summer Bible Camp she gave a testimony. Brief. Yet a reminder that Jesus reigns. That her life belongs to another. Her pain and sadness is known by a Holy and Loving ... View Post
Celebrating the Niece Today!
She's 15 today. My funtastic niece! Beautiful and feisty. One of my greatest hero's. Her laughter like a thousand sparkles. Her stubbornness deep. She leans head on into life. She needs that grit. She's fought hard through surgeries since day one. Yet this hasn't slowed her down. She's adaptable and stuck to her guns. She loves her family fiercely. Her heart, so sensitive towards others. That heart. Baptized in the river that runs through the land of her ancestors. Learning ... View Post
Celebrating The Farm Boy!
My farm boy is 16 today. 2 birthdays celebrated without his best friend and brother. A new way of living for him. Pushing, pulling, stretching boundaries. Reaching to find. . . who he is. Life dealing him lemons. His soul learning to make lemonade. His view of life; so different from mine. Lessons learned at every turn. His path bumpy at times. Yet so willing to adapt to the conditions. This is my boy. Honored at school with an award and a gift. Given for "his love of life." His quest to press on. He may ... View Post