It makes a difference.
Choosing to have the best day ever.
Things weren’t perfect.
But I worked to make them better.
I prayed.
I kept my mind focused on things eternal.
Isaiah 26:3
You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you.
A deep sense of peace filled my being.
Because God honors our desire.
He longs to walk the journey with us.
The sun shone gloriously.
On a mid November morning I hung laundry to dry (not freeze dry).
Guests in the Guest House sent a message that they would like to make us dinner.
Late in the afternoon the hairdresser, farm niece texted to say she wanted her mom and all Aunts to come over for dinner.
Who knew we would all be free?
We sat around an elegantly set table while that beautiful girl broke bread with all of us.
The best day ever.
Something in us changes when we place our focus on Christ.
When we surrender our own Agenda for the better way.
He is able to make things new.
He is able to soften the rough edges.
The farm girls are milking.
The days tasks are at hand.
I am embracing the to do list with gratitude and not as my enemy.
And whole lot of coffee.
I am thankful for:
Spontaneous get together’s with my sisters in law and niece
their presence in my life, for never having a sister I have been abundantly blessed by these women
a dinner provided for my family, so I did not have to cook
looking for the beauty in each day
hanging laundry in mid November
no lines at Costco
fries, ice cream and many giggles with the two youngest farm girls
Sunshine streaming through the terrace windows
dogs chasing their tail
the farm boys willingness to talk
our farm table when it is cleaned off
A fresh table cloth on that farm house table
our read aloud book about our forefathers and the faithfulness of this country
The view of the mountain as the Super moon rose the other evening
Only two more sleeps until the college girl comes home
Gratitude is a choice.
My heart knows it should be thankful.
But it takes my head to move my heart there.
Even when the missing is great, uncertainty lurks and fear crouches;
I will be Thankful and have the best day ever.
Because I have posted a David Crowder song ever other day this week, I will again today.
This song has been a source of deep strength as God walks me through this life.
David Crowder
I Am
I’m not a hardcore gamer. I just need a new laptop cause the one I have now is about 3 years old. No more insurance. And that Asus g75 has two HUGE fan outlets on the back so I don’t have to worry about it getting too warm and causing burn marks on the inside.
That’s a cunning answer to a challenging question
uts:we are discussing you because we are relishing the aftermath of that rainstorm that was your day long beatdown during our reign storming herein….you colorist washed up bigoted sexist inept bastard!!!!