What if we woke and said,”This is going to be the best day ever!”
What if we chose to not let one thing ruffle us today?
How would our day be if we gave and gave throughout the day?
If we looked beyond our own needs.
How would the day look,
if we looked to the interest of others before ourselves?
Every decision was made to benefit another.
The best day ever.
It’s the best day not because it all went well.
It’s not the best day because we were successful and received much.
It was the best day because we stepped aside and let God do His work.
Everything may have gone wrong.
But it was still the, best day ever, because each step you took was the one needed.
This was the message Jesus brought.
He gave; so we could live.
His message was simple.
Yet radical.
His path; hard.
Yet willingly he pursued a journey while keeping his eyes on the destination.
The sun has yet to peek over the mountain.
That morning hush, that I love, still resonates.
The quiet, the coffee, the chill in the air.
I’m going to make this day different.
I may fail.
But I will try;
to put others before myself.
Digging deep.
That glorious Super Moon lights up the night sky.
It’s beauty inspiring.
Our hope is in you Lord.
Our strength found resting in your presence.
This is going to be the best day yet.
Phillipians 4:12
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
I am thankful for:
Opportunities to grow to be more like Christ
The Super moon and God’s creation
my marriage and the lessons I learn each day
new beginnings; when I have failed there is always grace
repentance; knowing that Christ died once; for all and I am made new
the hope of a new day; the promise of never walking alone
coffee and friends who drink with me
the rough parts of this journey and the lessons I am learning
parents that loved the holiday’s and shared that love with their children
the Holiday season and my children’s excitement
the two youngest farm girls who worked so hard yesterday to try and clean this old farm house
clean curtains, broken, drafty windows, ginormous spiders (ok, not really, but I’m trying to be thankful), washing windows
the power we have to make a difference, to show people the love and mercy of Christ
I’m sharing another David Crowder song today because it has been running through my head all day yesterday and this morning.
There’s NO space that HIS love can’t reach.
There’s no place where we can’t find peace.
There’s no end to Amazing Grace ` David Crowder
David Crowder
Janie Haugh says
Tammy, you so make my day with your posts!! You are a wonderful writer/poet. I can FEEL your meditations.
http://www.yosemitesoap.com/ says
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