This post says it all.
My farmers mom.
A repost from 2014.
She’s been gone 20 years today.
It is hard to believe we woke that day and moved and worked without knowing what was to come.
It is a reminder to love and keep short accounts.
It is a reminder that One came as the greatest symbol of love ever known to mankind.
He came as a baby with the hope of eternity for all.
Shirley, my farmers mom.
You are so dearly missed.
Yet your legacy of living as a Servant, loving those around you and creating beauty in
everything you touched,
lives on forever in your beautiful family.
The waiting.
Our hearts.
For Hope.
Love came down.
For me.
For you.
For All.
14 years ago today a beautiful woman bowed low as
she journeyed to meet Jesus.
Her presence is missed everyday.
The lessons she lived; still in our hearts.
Here is a tribute to her from last year.
She now resides with 2 of her beautiful grandchildren; whom she loved and adored with all her heart.
December 18, 2014
I can still feel the peace I felt when I entered her home.
The country charm.
The warmth.
The smells.
The open door.
Oh, how I loved and admired her.
My farmers mom.
She could bring a calf to the barn as easy as whipping up a tasty meal.
There was always room on her lap for one more.
Room at the table for another to sit.
Always time for coffee.
There was always a solution to every problem.
Life was a journey with God as her companion.
Her creative touch transforming gardens and rooms into things of beauty.
The light left her 13 years ago today.
(Now 20 years with new post)
In a moment; she was gone.
My farmers mom.
At 65 it seemed too young.
Her husband just 16 months before her.
The ache we all felt; still felt today.
I miss her laugh and the twinkle in her eye.
I miss her encouraging words and support on the farm.
She accepted me; this city girl.
My farmers mom.
She never laughed at my inabilities or lack of knowledge.
She taught by example.
She lived what she believed.
Her hands, never idle.
Her heart, always full.
My farmers mom.
So, my dear Shirley I miss you greatly.
I am grateful for the legacy you left.
I am thankful for the farmer you bore, the strength you modeled.
I know I am the woman I am, because you believed in me.
Because you shared a life surrendered to Christ and to your family.
I know you’re rejoicing with the King of all Kings and sitting at the banquet table with my red head.
This assurance brings me peace and fills my being with strength.
Heaven holds so many of my dear ones.
There have been days I have longed for your wisdom or to hold my hand when
my heart can’t take the pain anymore.
For now I will continue as you modeled; though not nearly as adequately as you.
My eyes are lifted to the cross.
My soul surrendered.
Life breathed into my weary heart by the Giver of all life.
Thank you for giving.
Thank you for loving.
I was blessed to have been a part of your family.
I was blessed to have you in my life.
Thank you so much. This touches my heart in so many ways.
Shirley will always have a special spot in my heart. I always enjoyed spending time with both she and Clayton. I truly looked forward to seeing them several times a year. Miss them both very much ❤️
Love, Robbie