I know the question is coming. It always does. It is how we converse. But it is the question I don't know how to answer. One I don't want to answer. I meet a new friend. Our daughters standing next to each other in the concert. While we sit next to each other. Since we have been homeschooling, there are a fair amount of students and families we do not know anymore. How many children do you have? I pause. I don't know how to answer this question. Sometimes I just say 6; the oldest is married and we just had a grand baby. And the conversation moves on; because babies are cute and ... View Post
He is There And I Am Not
Sometimes the echo of the quiet is so overwhelming How does your soul reconcile that your child is gone? Church is always so hard. Today we sang this song. I don't know when I will be able to worship without tears streaming down my face. We will dance on the streets that are Golden. . . My son is dancing. . .on streets that are Golden. He is there. And I am not. This is hard and not right. I am learning to live moment by moment. More than that; is too much. I have grace for the moment; that is all. As I sing these words today, someone rubs my ... View Post