Growing up on a farm-
I don’t know what it’s like;
What the kids feel or think. . .
Most talk about farming in the past.
Few enter the business.
We’re a 3rd generation farm.
Probably the last.
I ponder these things.
Our Farm Boy is turning 20 today.
He’s adventurous and so talented.
He’s creative, and resourceful.
Yet he’s aching and longing for ways that are not our own.
We want small and intimate.
Community and connection.
He wants bigger, better and faster.
And the two worlds collide and there’s ache on both sides.
Growing up on a Farm.
I don’t know what it’s like.
I grew up in the city.
On pavement and concrete.
Where roads are named 1st St and 2nd St and are configured in blocks.
I came in when the street lights came on and I had boundaries when I rode my bike.
My dad had his infamous whistle that beckoned us kids home.
Everyone knew it.
And you can be assured that we high tailed it home when we heard it.
We didn’t finish our games or even our sentences.
Growing up on a Farm.
My childhood was so different my children’s.
My boundaries were small.
When I moved to the farm I remember I would run and run in the fields.
I had never experienced open land.
It was exhilarating.
My kids.
This is all they have ever known.
Open land.
Hard work.
Late nights.
Early mornings.
Street lights replaced with stars as numerous as the sand on the seashore.
Their exploration knows no boundaries.
And I wonder where this farm boy will end up.
And I wonder where this farm will be?
Growing up on a farm.
I think I’ve done a lot of growing on this farm.
Yet, I still have a long way to go.
I was 25 when I moved here.
In awe.
In love.
Ready to take on the challenge.
Ready to grow on the farm.
This blue-eyed, blonde haired boy is making his way.
Growing up on the farm has opened the door for his creativity and energy.
There have been tough times.
He is in a season now of searching and growing his own business.
He’s exploring and changing.
We are too.
We’re changing.
We’re growing.
We’re all growing up on the farm.
Happiest of Birthdays Cedge.
May this year bring you closer to your dreams.
Your persistence and desire to not give up will take you far,
May God watch over you and guide each step you take.
Joel 2:21
Do not be afraid, land of Judah; be glad and rejoice.
Surely the LORD has done great things!
This is so beautiful, generous, and hopeful. Full of understanding and also recognition that maybe you don’t understand after all. Love every word and image. Even the verse from Joel. <3 <3 <3