As the deer panteth for the water.
We sing it in church. The Youth are leading Worship.
My soul longeth after you.
I sigh as we start to sing. It’s one of those over sung praise songs.
And I think it’s lost it’s meaning; until we sing this next line.
You alone are my heart’s desire
And I wonder, is He alone my heart’s desire? Is He all I really want?
I know the answer to the question. I keep on singing.
And I long to worship thee.
You alone are my strength my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield.
You alone are my heart’s desire
And I long to worship thee
He’s not all I want. I know it. I am too distracted. I want my son back. I long for Gary to be healed and not be going through this cancer and now depression. God is not my only desire. I shove wanting a clean house, pinterest and other things first.
I love you more than any other
So much more than anything.
Do I love him more than Elijah? More than my children? More than Gary?
I am supposed to. God first; in everything. It’s the lesson God taught me after I miscarried; before Elijah. He is all I need.
I want you more than Gold or Silver
Only You can satisfy.
These are things I know. Only God can satisfy. He is all we need. He is all we should want. Our only desire. You can spend your whole life looking. You can try to make more money. Have more kids. Buy a new house; a different car. Lose weight. Get a better job.
Not one thing will bring you the peace that you will find in Christ.
I dare you to try it.
I dare you to find something that will bring you a lifetime of peace,
other than the LORD.
When your only desire is God; everything else falls into place. It doesn’t make it perfect. It doesn’t take away all the pain. The funny thing is, when we put Him first, He becomes our only desire. He becomes all we need. Things begin to change. All His desires, become our desires.
God can accomplish His will.
I want Him to be my heart’s desire. My first focus.
We continue to sing.
You alone are the real joy giver
and the apple of my eye.