It says it right there. Right there in Jude. At the very beginning.
To those who have been called, who are loved by God, the Father and kept by Jesus Christ.
We are kept by Christ.
What a thing.
I linger on those words. I sip coffee for a few moments, and then a few moments more;
while meditating on those Ancient Words. I actually even got up and got another cup because I needed to hear this message. And I stayed up too late watching the Olympics and my brain is still fuzzy.
So I needed another cup to clear the sleep away and catch hold of this verse.
I let them penetrate my heart.
Kept by Jesus Christ.
These words are followed by;
Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.
He doesn’t say only if your life is travelling along at a beautiful pace.
He doesn’t say when all is wrong and your heart is shattered into a million pieces
and you wonder what all this is really about.
Jude tells us.
You are kept.
And in abundance is mercy, peace and love.
May all this be yours today.
May you find time to drink your coffee and hold these truths close.
tracinggrace says
Written . . . engraved . . . loved . . . kept. Sweet, sweet truths!
DavisFarm says
Is there any other way sweet friend? What a promise.