An act.
A response.
Each Sunday for almost 48 years.
Part of my life.
My being.
Deep within.
We sing;
I surrender All.
I think about those words.
I have surrendered my son.
Not willingly.
I surrendered my husband.
Not willingly. . . and he was given back.
I surrender all.
There is a lot to that act.
It is a choice.
One I want to embrace.
As one begins to surrender all the hurt. . . all the ache.
Something happens
The Act of Praise begins to emerge.
~30 Days of Thankfulness~
I am thankful for:
Quiet afternoons where the tears can flow
Cups of tea (yes I said it. Occasionally; tea trumps coffee)
Christmas movies
Reminders of how blessed we are
running water
My farmer
face time
The farmette and her mama and daddy and the new one about to be
A 10 year old who still likes to snuggle and be read to
My organizing fairy who is helping reclaim floor space
The grace by which this wretched soul was saved
The hope of eternal life
the struggles through which we grow
“I realized that the deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able to honestly to pray what He taught His disciples to pray: Thy will be done.”
~Elisabeth Elliot
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