Bring a container and come buy our raw, nutrient-packed organic milk fresh from the farm.
Raw milk is unpasteurized and full of nutritious vitamins and minerals.
Unpasteurized milk is not heated which preserves the naturally occurring enzymes and minerals found in milk. Our Raw milk is creamy, organic, and delicious.
Here’s How You Can Get Raw Milk, Right in Jericho:
Provide your own container(s) (usually glass) and clearly mark them with your name and the day of the week that you want to pick up.
The containers are filled the morning of your pick-up day and placed in the refrigerator outside the milk house.
On your designated pick-up day, come to the farm and get it from the refrigerator and leave a container(s) for the next week.
Payment is $8 gallon and $5 for 1/2 gallon. We accept cash, checks, and Venmo payments made to @Tammy-SearleDavis.
Who is the DAVIS FARM?
We are a family owned and operated farm and located in Jericho Vermont. We sell raw milk from our grass fed, organic cows!
Instead of going to a crowded grocery store, stop by the Davis Farm to pick up local, grass fed, organic, raw milk!