The list was long.
I had mapped out how each task was to be accomplished.
I have been doing this for 26 years!
Cooking Thanksgiving dinner is fun, and I love it.
I love flinging these farmhouse doors open wide.
I love gathering around the farmhouse table with no room to spare.
(and of course there’s always room for one more! Always!)
But it takes planning.
Last week had been hard.
I hadn’t felt well and other circumstances put me quite far behind.
Today was going to be my day to rise above and conquer the gap!
With breakfast made and finished.
I threw out my first request of my dear farm girls.
I just want to move that farmhouse table, vacuum both sides of the rug and then mop the floor.
I left the room for a moment.
Just a moment.
When I returned. . . The entire dining room was dismantled.
Remember when they were toddlers and they could destroy a room in a nano second.
(they were cute though)
Curtains and everything.
They had decided now. . .two days before Thanksgiving that we should clean the entire room.
Now, that in and of itself wasn’t such a bad thing.
All of the contents from the dining room room were in the kitchen;
in front of the sink, the counter and the stove.
Not only that, but the constant reminder that I am slob. . . really.
For the love.
We washed nick nacks, doilies and curtains.
We discovered treasures we thought we had lost for good.
But I cooked, baked and prepped. . . NOT ONE SINGLE item.
It was soon time for all those farm girls to go to work or out for the day.
They had plans.
Everything was returned to its place.
The room felt lighter.
I am grateful for the unexpected clean.
This is a big house with lots of people, so when moments happen like that it’s a gift.
So, even though not one thing has been prepped, baked or cooked for Thanksgiving. . .
I’m choosing to be thankful for the fun morning I spent with my girls.
Somehow, someway, Thanksgiving dinner will get cooked.
It always does.
I am thankful for:
Girls who love to clean
memories of my Grandma cooking with my Aunt and my mom
Steaming, hot cups of coffee
daughters and sons that love coffee as much as I do
A season of naming our gratitude
lessons learned during this season
early hustle and bustle as kids get ready for work and dance team
prepping for Thanksgiving dinner
anticipation of the doors flung wide open and memories made around this farmhouse table
writing on the walls, clutter; signs of life in this old place
stepping into the moment instead of anxiety
words of encouragement as we seek wisdom for the farm
the hope of Christ
gratitude in grief
our farm boy who is working so hard to meet so many farmers needs
the snow and ice melting so it’s not so treacherous to walk
Guests arriving in our Guest House and Guest Suite