Grease 9 x 13 pan (will make two batches. I usually make one and make the other into a loaf)
Preheat oven to 350
Dissolve shortening in the 6 cups of hot water. Set aside. Water should be around 130 degrees.
In a separate bowl, mix 6 cups of flour, 6 tbs sugar, pinch of salt, 4 1/2 tsps of yeast together.
Pour hot liquid over mixture, stirring until mixed. Add additional flour until pulls away from sides of bowl. Pour onto a floured surface, kneading for at least 10 minutes.
Form into a round ball. Cover with greased waxed paper or parchment paper and a towel. Let rise for 10 mins.
At this point I divide the ball in half. I set one half aside for a loaf of bread. It will make 2 batches or one batch of buns and one loaf of bread.
Take the ball and Roll out the half into a long rectangle. Melt butter. Brush butter onto dough. Liberally sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on dough. Begin to roll long side being sure to brush butter and sprinkle sugar as you roll.
Place buns, edges touching, in 9 x 13 pan. Let rise for 20 mins.
Bake for 20 minutes or until cooked through.
Mix Confectioner’s sugar with a splash of milk. Mix until desired consistency. Spread on each bun.