We at the Davis Farm want to thank you all for your love and support during our first ever ETD Leatherneck Scramble! We had over 57 runners! What a great event! We are looking forward to next year. Thank you for all the input and suggestions. Thank you also for a great evening of music and food! You all are amazing to stay through the craziest storm we had had all summer! We raised a total of $5,100 towards the Memorial Fund. Donations can be made year round. See information below! Thank you all again!
Keep checking back for dates and registration for the 2020 ETD Leatherneck Scramble!
Click Here For the Elijah Todd Davis Memorial Facebook Page
Elijah Todd Davis , 17, unexpectedly went home to be with his Lord and Savior early Sunday morning July, 28, 2013. Born on September 2, 1995, Elijah was a strong and loving young man. He was passionate about life and all he did. He had just graduated from Mount Mansfield Union High School in June.
God gifted Elijah with a great musical ability. He was an amazing drummer and loved to play in church. He adored and tormented his high school band director Mary Bauer and still received the Mount Mansfield Union High School’s Music Department Award at his honors night. Elijah was an active leader in his church Youth Group at Jericho Congregational Church spending many hours singing, worshiping and playing his beloved drums. He was a gifted speaker and this was evident during his senior testimony at church.
Elijah began playing lacrosse in the 5th grade and continued throughout high school. He loved the sport and considered his team part of his family. Elijah also loved the challenging demands in wrestling and was a part of the team for 2 years. This experience helped him get and stay in physical shape. Being in top shape was important to Elijah. He was proud to have enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and was scheduled to head to boot camp, at Parris Island on September 2, his 18th birthday.
In honor of Elijah’s memory, we have set up the Elijah Todd Davis Memorial Fund. Donations made to the fund will go toward scholarships, awarded each year, to graduates at Mount Mansfield Union High School where Elijah graduated in 2013.